Here are a few images of my son from the other day. He is my heart. I know any parent reading this can relate. He is my greatest reason to reach dreams, goals, and just live happy. I still remember the day our doctor told us we were expecting a baby boy! We wanted My husband wanted a son and me, growing up with only sisters, knew I wanted a little boy since the beginning. We knew know you just have that gut feeling telling you its a "boy" or a "girl." We knew he was a boy all along and my hub even dreamt of a little boy. Crazy right?! I just remember the doc saying "It's a boy" and Steven's arm shooting straight in the air saying "YES!" lol...we were so happy! Still are!

He is the sweet and wonderful gift God has blessed me and my husband with. He is our Caleb. Almost 17 months young. So happy and silly. He loves to run, dance, play with his blocks, sing, ride his fav. toy truck, AND pretend talk on the phone as you can see in one of the photos below! LOL. He is a happy little boy with the cutest dimples! He makes us happy.

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