I woke up a few months ago with some amazing ideas. I was invisioning a character we all know by either the most recent movie or the old time favorite childhood story. I knew I wanted to keep the background of the story the same but change it up just a bit..I was thinking of Little Red Riding Hood that is!

I knew I wanted to do this shoot in a sort of mystical and rural scenery with lots of trees. I pictured a beautiful young girl with her rood hood running from the BIG BAD WOLF! The wolf...well with all the remakes of what wolves look like lately I knew would be young and handsome. Christian who plays the wolf and Alejandra who plays Little Red were the perfect match for this gig. Im so thankful and happy you guys were a part of this little dream/vision of mine and couldn't imagine anyone else doing these parts. You guys were awesome and totally ROCKED IT!

We met up in the afternoon and ended up in the woods/trails of a park. It was muddy...haha, REALLY muddy. We even ran across a little family of Hogs..baby and all. Christian and Alejandra are so photogenic...future superstars if you ask me and they're in love too! Even better...chemistry and all. Anyways they did an amazing job and well, just scroll down to see the images of this story line....although we changed the ending up a bit. You will see....hope you enjoy Little Red and her Wolf.

1/20/2012 12:04:30 pm

Awesome!! I love it! (:


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